BSAS 01:2024 Organisational Capability
Management System Standard – Competence Assurance

The Building Safety Act 2022, and its Regulations, requires that Organisations will need to evidence that they have ‘Organisational Capability’. This document is published to assist and guide a common sector-wide approach to how this can be done. This publication has been developed by the Alliance with contributions from many stakeholders, resulting in a cross-sector consensus approach to demonstrating organisational capability. The British Standards Institution (BSI) have agreed it can be used as part the development of a BSI PAS or Flex and/or, in time, a full British Standard.
Users of this document can have the confidence it provides a solid competence management system for organisations, which will in turn allow them to successfully evidence their ‘Organisational Capability’.
This standard is designed to work with existing BS/ISO, or stand-alone as a Standard in its own right. It provides guidance to large organisations as well as providing an approach for SME and Micro businesses
Our ambition is to work towards a Register of organisations certified against the standard, which would provide confidence for residents, Accountable Persons, clients and the Regulator that organisations are capable. This should also help those organisations when tendering for contracts.
Because we are working with the British Standards Institution (BSI), we are also seeking your help to inform the development of a PAS, BSI Flex or British Standard. We will follow up, in due time, by email for your feedback and suggestions for improvement.
An application to receive the Standard needs to be made by completing the form on this page. The form includes questions about the work undertaken by the applicant’s organisation and for what purposes and how the guidance is to be used by the applicant’s organisation. While we do not seek to restrict its use, at this stage we are looking for organisations to partner with the Alliance and the BSI to further develop the Standard and its applications.
- For organisations who are interested in further collaborating to further develop the Standard and its application, we will review the application and revert to discuss how a partnering arrangement may be of mutual, and the public good. By receiving an application the Alliance does not guarantee any distribution of guidance, nor offer any guarantee of entering any arrangements, we will however review the application and revert to the applicant appropriately as quickly as we can. Any partnering arrangements will be subject to signing either the Alliance’s non-disclosure agreement or the Alliance’s License for use.
- The Standard will be subject to updates/developments, If you wish to subscribe to receive notice of updates please tick the subscription box. The initial download will be free of charge/no cost. We are still reviewing options to ensure that the ongoing development and future updates will maintain access to theStandard, free of charge.
Contractual and legal considerations
All publications have been prepared in good faith, however no representation, warranty, assurance or undertaking (express or implied) is or will be made, and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by the Building Safety Alliance Ltd or the Building Safety Alliance CIO, or its Trustees or Officers, in relation to the adequacy, accuracy, completeness or reasonableness of this publication. All and any such responsibility and liability is expressly disclaimed to the full extent permitted by the law.
Publications are provided as is, and are used at the recipient’s own risk.
The recipient is advised to consider seeking professional guidance with respect to its use of all publications from the Building Safety Alliance.
Publications are not intended to constitute a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.
Compliance with this document cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.
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