What does the Building Safety Alliance do for you?
The information in this website is intended both to provide an explanation of the work of the Building Safety Alliance and to provide insight into the forthcoming legislative changes for:
- Residents of higher-risk residential buildings;
- Accountable persons;
- Principal Accountable Persons and Accountable Persons(Dutyholders)
- Organisations wishing to deliver the Dutyholders’ Part 4 obligations under the Building Safety Bill, as well as, potentially, other existing H&S obligations as required by their clients.
Residents of higher-risk residential buildings
Residents can find out more about the role of the those responsible for the management of residential building safety and what they will need to do to meet minimum competence standards, one of the criteria the Regulator will check as part of their review of a ‘Safety Case Report’.
The Building Safety Alliance is considering how best to establish a register and certification scheme, so those responsible for residential building safety management can be assessed and recognised as competent to do so, and have access to all necessary resources to deliver proportionate safety management.
Principal Accountable Persons and/or Accountable Persons or Organisations wishing to deliver residential building safety management
PAPs/APs and Organisations who are responsible for delivery of residential building safety management:
What their competence requirements are and, potentially, what the process may be for certification and possible inclusion on a register.
Use the requirements of PAS 8673, which, if certificated against this PAS, will provide assurance that they have been assessed by a fully independent body which has oversight from a recognised 3rd Party accreditation body.
For those organisations such as RTM, RMC, commonhold etc, the Building Safety Alliance can offer you support in the role you may have as Principal/Accountable Person, and the responsibilities you will need to ensure are delivered ‘for and on behalf of’ your organisation – potentially by way of a new professional appointment to the Board.