Competence and BSA progress update
Since the launch of our website, we have:
- Continued to develop the legal framework that fully locks-in the Building Safety Alliance to its core principles of independence and not-for-profit, through excellence in effective and efficient Governance.
- Appointed further interim directors to provide a much wider oversight of the Alliance’s work-to-date, and to assure all stakeholders of the integrity of the organisation.
- Continued to attract supporter organisations, which steadily enhances our oversight and our access to expertise and provides us with greater reach across all parties with interest in our sector, and specifically with the goals of the Building Safety Alliance.
- Worked closely with experts in the new Regulatory regime, and the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC), where we seek to influence the outcome of the new regulations (currently still in Parliament under scrutiny by MPs). We are grateful for the time these people spend with us and for their guidance in preparing to meet the forthcoming requirements of the new regime.
- Been acknowledged by DLUHC in their published guidance here
We have a number of meetings with individual stakeholders being planned, our internal working groups meet as necessary to push the agenda for developing all the workstreams noted above as quickly we can and is appropriate and a further full meeting of our ‘Council’ within the next 12 weeks.
We will keep you all updated as further progress is made.